<The> history of the wars occasioned by the French revolution. Including a sketch of the early history of France, and the circumstances which led to the revolution in that country; together with a complete history of the revolution in France, the war in Spain and Portugal, Russia, Prussia, &c. &c. with biographical sketches of all the public characters of Europe...

Título: <The> history of the wars occasioned by the French revolution. Including a sketch of the early history of France, and the circumstances which led to the revolution in that country; together with a complete history of the revolution in France, the war in Spain and Portugal, Russia, Prussia, &c. &c. with biographical sketches of all the public characters of Europe...
Autor/Colaborador: David, Alfredo, 1863-1930
Sousa, António Alberto Marinho Duarte de, 1896-1950
Data: 1816
Descrição: Monografia
Tipo: material textual, impresso
Idioma: Inglês


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